I finished my Dickens book for the year about 20 minutes ago. I just completed Nicholas Nickleby. I can now add this to the list of other Dickens books that I have read (Great Expectations, The Old Curiosity Shop, David Copperfield, Our Mutual Friend, Bleak House, A Tale of Two Cities). I have read half of Dombey and Son (that's no small feat, the book is 1000+ pages) so I wouldn't mind trying to wrap that up this year. If I do manage to finish that book, it will have to wait until some time right before the new year. I start working on my MBA tomorrow.
My classes are up on the Marist iLearn website. I expected there to be some kind of video lecture as part of each class, but it looks like everything is done via post to the iLearn sites and discussion on different forums that have been set up for each class. A few people have already been making posts to the Management class forums. I was actually thinking about doing that myself tonight, but I've had my two beers for this weekend (I'm working on slimming down (with some progress) and cutting back on beer is an easy way to lower my calories for the week; I had the surprisingly good Road Dog Porter from Flying Dog Brewery) and am feeling a little too buzzed for school work at the moment. I plan on putting a bunch of due dates into a Google calendar tomorrow. I get the feeling that keeping track of when I need to do what will be my biggest challenge, at least until I get into the flow of each class. The classes are organized around a book chapter per week. I am going to try to take advantage of this structure and set up a weekly schedule for myself. I have a very detailed schedule in mind, with each study time associated with a particular task. I'm currently thinking that lunch, random work time, and the weekends will be spent on management with my evenings spent on finance. The finance syllabus is very detailed, even down to how long I should allow myself for each weekly test. I start in earnest next week. I will find time to write about my experience here.
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