Three of my papers have been cited by three different research groups in the last month or so. One group is in Turkey, another was in the Czech Republic. I didn't bother to look up the third. As much as I long to keep making contributions to and participating in the international research community, my continued effort to influence that world is a distraction from where I should be focusing my energy to raise my status at PCH. If I was really serious about becoming a decision maker, I would build a barrier around my building and focus on learning how to use the system that has been built in our organization.
The more I know about how one piece of my organization connects to another, the more I will be able to manipulate the system. Figuring out a problem and waiting for recognition to flow my way will only result in more of the same. Understand the politics, understand the flow of information, understand where the real decisions come from, and I'll know where to position myself for opportunities to impact and change the organization.
I've gone through life pursuing goals that I thought would bring recognition and reward rather than directly pursuing what I wanted to achieve. I've pursued recognition as an end rather than recognizing that being recognized is merely a means to something greater. I've never sought status. I've merely sought approval from those with status. It's time to enter the fray.
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