Monday, July 16, 2012

Why bother going for good grades in an MBA program?

The grades that I get in my MBA classes may never have any relevance. If this is the case, I'm wasting my time when I put a big effort behind all of my assignments. Maybe my energy would be better spent getting more exercise or maybe I'd get a better long term return on the time I put into the assignment by going to bed earlier. Maybe. But I'm confident that it's worth my time to put in the effort to get the best grade possible.

Getting an MBA is about differentiation. Simply having the degree is one level of differentiation. The school is another level. Performance in the program is yet another differentiating variable. Plenty of people have an MBA. I'm not attending a big name school, although Marist is on everybody's favorite news magazine for rankings honor role for online MBA programs, so having a stellar GPA is the best way for me to influence how an evaluator incorporates my business school training into an overall evaluation of my abilities.

Reputation shapes our life. Anything exceptional carries tremendous weight in influencing the perception of others. Any opportunity to demonstrate exceptional performance must be seized. My MBA classes offer me an opportunity to do something exceptional. That's why I make the effort.

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