Exceptional performance doesn't allow for automatic decisions. Settling into a routine, being comfortable, that's not going to get it done. You can't be satisfied with the way things are now. Get better, get better, get better. Small choices, what to have for lunch, when to go to bed, what to do with the 45 minutes you have to yourself before you go to bed, matter when you're pursuing excellence.
The decision to be the best dictates your every move. Total commitment. Eliminating the excess, getting to the core of building the skills and experience needed to achieve something extraordinary becomes the driver of everything else. Focus on advancing. There can be no more dabbling. You're going to have to give something up.
Six-pack abs don't come easy. Boston marathon qualifying times don't just happen with a few jogs through the neighborhood. Exceptional performance narrows your experience. Depth replaces breadth. The accumulation of experience required for expertise, the layer by layer acquisition of improving skills that requires concentrated effort over an extended period of time, doesn't leave room for much.
I'm spread too thin. I spend time writing blog entries rather than working on a paper describing some research I've done at work. I do school work instead of writing blog entries. I do school work rather than sleep. What do I have to give up to keep advancing? What am I trying to achieve?
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