I started writing these posts to keep track of what I saw coming and what about this whole experience with COVID -19 came as a surprise. All too much of what has happened has been easy to see coming. I'm slightly pleased with my expectations of technical things.
I told a couple of neighbors soon after this things started that the virus has been here mush longer than what was being reported. Recent reports have indicate that this is indeed the case. It's not like this was some deep insight. You don't go from finding the first case and a few days later have positive results all of the country.
I was doing pull-ups using some bars on the playground at the neighborhood elementary school. My wife was teasing me about touching the bar. I responded by telling her that there was no way that little bundle of genetic material could survive being out in the sun. If we need to wear sunscreen to protect our skin, a virus will not hold up well to exposure to UV light. That looks like that is the case (although that insight is being buried under Trump's reaction to the news).
I think I already mentioned the air pollution link. I've been reminding the wife about the risk that obesity brings, but I can't claim that idea came to me from thinking about what's out in the media. I heard that obesity was a risk on an interview on the Joe Rogan podcast. It made sense and was a consistent feature in pictures of people who have died from the virus. The deaths are sad and unfortunate, but it's frustrating that there is still very little commentary on the risks that obesity brings to people infected by the virus. It's a bigger factor than everything but age.
My drive to emerge stronger from this crazy time has only been reinforced by the link between poor outcomes and obesity. Everything is better when you are at a healthy weight. This is particularly relevant as I get older. I'm looking at 44 in less than 2 weeks. (My birthday will be cancelled by this damn virus.) I have continued to loss weight after the pact with my wife ended. I'm working out everyday, going for long walks, and trying to avoid eating too excessively. I'll stick with it for as long as I can.
I'm not sure what will come next with this saga. We're shifting from the solid facts about the virus and how it effects people into human judgement and decisions. That's so wrapped up in irrational motivations that it's not easy to say how we get back into a semblance of pre-virus life. It's not going to be smooth. I'm not going to wear a mask (they aren't effective, particularly when they aren't worn properly).
Time will tell...
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