Thursday, April 28, 2022

Get Serious

I've been wondering if it's time to get serious about my fitness and reading. Yes, this is something I've been saying for years, but pushing things into the future is less and less of an option for me. I have a birthday coming up next week. That's always a good time to reset some visions. So what does getting serious look like?
Really prepare for a marathon. I've registered for the WDW Marathon in January. I was significantly undertrained for the same marathon this year. I'm not so worried about my time. The DIsney race isn't about time. I just want to do all the training runs and get the distance. I've tried adopting the run easier approach in my runs this week. I'd like to build up some aerobic capacity and be ready for the 15+ mile training runs that are part of the plan I've followed for my first 3 marathons. Longer runs take time. I will need to get up early, which will require going to bed on Friday night. If I'm going to run a marathon, I might as well go in all the way, right? Cross training (mostly rowing) and a better commitment to lower body and core strength would be part of this as well.

Finally read books I've been saying I'm going to read. My commitment to my Bookshelf Zero project is wavering, but there are plenty of books that I'm still looking to read. My wife left her copy of War and Peace here. I would be happy to give up all my volume goals to finally read that. There are plenty of other worthy selections. I haven't used my time alone to read much (my pace is pretty consistent with how much I read when I'm not living alone). Is it time to stop messing around with random books to read something really significant?

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