Sunday, January 3, 2010

03Jan10 - Getting Started

For the last several years, my wife and I have written down 5 or 6 Resolutions on New Year's Eve. The usual New Year's Resolution themes are present, lose weight, some kind of professional accomplishment, read this or that book. Before we make our resolutions for the coming year, we always go back and look at how we did on the year that is just being completed. I'm usually right around 0.500 on meeting my goals. This year, I missed meeting a resolution because I thought that I said I was going to read at least 10 books in 2009. I finished my 11th book a couple of weeks ago. When I looked at the list that has been in our copy of Joy of Cooking all year, I discover that I had resolved to read 12 books.

I need to keep my resolutions out in front of me, to focus on making a meaningful change in my life. I was going to keep a list around for an occasional reminder, but then I realized that keeping a blog and actually writing about my efforts to meet my resolutions is just the kind of reminder that I need to stay focused on a few high priority goals as the year goes on.

My resolutions for 2010 are at the top of this blog and will appear in the labels as I discuss each resolution. Let the change begin.

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